Firewalls, routers, switches, servers, workstations, wifi and security… all are important. If you’ve got a large network and need more complex work done with VPNs, server upgrades or replacements, firewall configurations, or remote access for your employees working away from the office, we can get your network finely tuned for whatever your need happens to be. We can help you with every aspect of these complex components. On the other hand, if you’re just starting out connecting a computer to the Internet for the first time we are glad to assist! Both residential and commercial services are readily available for you. Just give us a call and we will take care of your network for you.

Computer Repair
Fixing both hardware and software issues on your computer is easy for us. Just contact us and let us know what’s going on and we’ll get it worked out quickly and cost effectively. Often repairs are same-day, usually 24-hour turn around is the norm (unless hardware needs to be ordered), rarely will repairs ever take more than two business days. The process for service is simple. Contact us and give us an idea of what the problem looks like, then we will schedule a time to get everything back up and running for you. It’s really easy so don’t hesitate to contact us.

Custom Programming
Custom program development is one of our favorite services. Perhaps you have an idea that simply makes a task a bit simpler or even automated. Maybe the software that you’ve been using just doesn’t quite do everything your business requires, or maybe you have a revolutionary idea to change the world but need some assistance to build the software to bring this concept to fruition. In any case, we take pride in our ability to help you create the software that you need to make life easier. We have experience in a variety of languages, databases, and platforms. Contact us and let us help you.

Web Development
Web development is one of our specialties as well. We can help you with getting started on the web for the first time, updating an existing site, search engine optimization, and database integration. We work with many server environments, CMS platforms like WordPress, and we have experience in all of the web development programming languages for a completely custom system and we really enjoy making websites “smart” so that you can provide better service to your customers. We can help you create email campaign templates for marketing, a “customers only” sub-site to give your customers a special experience on your site, and we can even help you turn your site into a valuable income generator. Perhaps you have some great ideas for your site that nobody has ever seen before? If so, we’d love to help you in any way we can. Get in touch with us and we’ll figure out the best way that we can help you and your improved web presence.